Everything is cruising here, actually not much has changed at all. So maybe a different post is need for the half way point in my dig!!
The huge pile of rocks and dirt that we have moved so far....
~ I am no where closer to knowing what direction I want to go but my eyes have been opened since beginning the dig. I am making contacts that hopefully I can use as guides as I start to better understand my options for later down the road.
~I have learned that maybe the area I am more interested is in a little more recent history. Then again maybe not, I just don’t know.
~ I don’t totally hate the physical labor involved in archaeology I do enjoy being outside working, its kind of like gardening.
~ I also am not totally stoked like other people about finding artifacts, I am more excited to imagine the person using it so long ago. I like to picture the women using the pots to cook and store, the men making tools out of flint to feed their families. I like to imagine the children running freely in the area in and out of the stone houses. Not really a surprise now that I think about it I don’t look at the artifacts in an objective fashion but through my imagination of what they would have done with them. (In case you were wondering that doesn’t make the best archaeologist)
~ I have soooo many more places I want to visit in the world, maybe India is my next big adventure. (for very specific reasons and that will be a later post)
~ This is for me but where I fit I still don’t know BUT I know I will figure it out! Maybe I’ll make my own place!