Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Can you dig it, i can dig it....

Day 7, 8 and 9

Well being

I am doing well, mornings are hard for me but I am dealing. Food wise I’m doing too good I believe. The food is full of carbohydrates. For first breakfast which I don’t eat is bread and nutella or jam, cheese cucumber and tomato sandwiches for 2nd breakfast, Lunches are at a restaurant that services first pitas with several small salads to eat with it then a main course with meat and potatoes rice or noodles the afterwards coffee and cakes, then for dinner I eat my leftovers from lunch. WOW and I don’t have a scale to see how my weight is doing so I may come home with my clothes being a little tight… but you all know how I love potatoes.

The dig

Well, things are moving slowly but that is how it seems to go. We have moved fro the big pick and shovels to trowels, small picks and brushes. We still haven’t found any architecture in our square and from what I understand the hopes of doing so are becoming more slim. We are however finding artifacts in are square and some pretty neat ones.

Basalt pot

Personal finds and lessons
A sign here in Karmeil

Well I found a cow jaw bone with the teeth still attached, I also found a piece of flint with some tar like residue on it which apparently comes from Turkey and was an interesting find all the way up here.

Well outside of the dig there is continuous talk about degrees careers schools professors etc and I am learning SOOOO much. This is the main reason I came on the dig to see if this was for me and to gain direction to what I want to do. I am however more confused than when I started because of the mass amount of information I am gaining. The best thing I’ve learned is I’m not alone most of these people here are in the same boat!!

The goats that graze in the field where we are working

1 comment:

  1. Two breakfasts! That's my kind of place! And, I wouldn't worry about the food, you're probably sweating it all off out in that blazing sun. :)

    What's up with that sign...I get Paris, and New York, and London..but Pittsburgh? Why's Pittsburgh on there?!!
