Friday, July 23, 2010

dig a tunnel dig dig a tunnel.....

Days 11,12 and 13

Just how dirty i get.....

Well Being…

It was bound to happen but I didn’t expect it to happen in one day… I got overly hot, dehydrated and a sunburnt all on the same day. I am better now but I was one tired girl. Emotionally I am doing better I sat myself down had a harsh talk and decided that I was the one who wanted to be here and it was time to act like it!!! So mornings are getting better!!!

The dig…

Well, we have things in our square which now look slightly promising as a structure, not a wall but maybe a ring…. Just on Friday we moved almost 10cm of dirt in our 5 meter by 5 meter square. We sift everything we remove as well so its actually pretty impressive.

The tools i use the most
gloves~ small pick~dust pan~brush~bucket

Personal finds and lessons

My find of the week was a nest of eggs created from mud with maggots living inside them. It was really cool but with no archaeological meaning just fun to find.

We had two lectures this week and let me tell you listening to these people who are so educated and passionate about their are of expertise is amazing!!! I find myself loving bones, flint, pottery and the study of looting, every time I am around these people!!!

Cow mandible
Pile of bones waiting to be cleaned.....

1 comment:

  1. I thought those were bruises on your ankles at first!!!

    so glad your mornings are going better, gotta love those self 'talks' ;-)
